ASIA/PAKISTAN - A Christian married couple beaten by the police with false accusations

Monday, 5 December 2011

Abbottabad (Agenzia Fides) - Accused of a crime they did not commit, two Christian spouses were arrested and savagely beaten by the police for three days, for refusing to confess. It is yet another case of anti-Christian violence and discrimination, even in the institutions and state apparatuses, which local sources tell Fides.
Salma Emmanuel, who is pregnant, is now hospitalized in intensive care in critical condition, and her unborn child is under threat of abortion. Doctors at Benazir Shaheed Hospital in Abbottabad (in the north of Pakistan) are making all efforts to save her and the fetus. She had signs of serious violence on her body, but police denied torturing her. Even her husband, Rashid Emmanuel, shows evidence of beatings and injuries. After the intervention of some Christian leaders, Naeem Khan, the general deputy inspector, ordered an internal investigation.
Mrs. Emmanuel is accused of stealing jewels in the house of a wealthy Muslim woman, Ghazala Riaz, where she worked as a maid. Mrs. Riaz reported a theft of goods worth 900,000 rupees (about 8 thousand euros) and accused the only Christian servants. The couple were arrested without evidence, and police also searched their home. After three days of detention and beatings, the two - who have three children between the ages of 12 and 5 - were released on bail, forced to resort to hospital. Rashid, who worked as a TV technician, and Salma have both lost their jobs and now live in a situation of great distress. "My thoughts go to all those who are unjustly accused", said Salma from a hospital bed. "Faith in God has never abandoned us in this test. We believe that divine justice will prevail". (PA) (Agenzia Fides 05/12/2011)
