ASIA/INDIA - Blasphemous film about Jesus Christ: the director and producer have been arrested, the Bishops ask its withdrawal

Monday, 5 December 2011

Mumbai (Agenzia Fides) - Three people have been arrested in Mumbai because responsible for a blasphemous film against Jesus Christ. After days of protests by Christian organizations such as the "Catholic Secular Forum" (CSF), Ejaz Ahmed (director), Washim Sheikh (producer of Bollywood) and KA Jauhar (publicist), ended up in prison for the film "Who's there". The charges range from "hurting religious sentiments", "malicious intent", "insult to religious beliefs", as well as violation of film rules. Christian groups and associations ask for severe penalties for the defendants, who today can leave jail on bail, set by a court in Mumbai.
As reported to Fides by Joseph Dias, General Secretary of the CSF, the sentence should not be difficult because, as confirmed by the Central Board of Film Certification (CBFC), the poster advertising the film violates article 38. of the film regulation. The poster depicts Jesus on the cross, stabbed by a man, and below says "This time evil will win". The advertisment and the trailer then say "Expect unexpected truth" or "We will tell you who Jesus Christ really is", while other images show the cross of Jesus upside down, hit by daggers.
"It is a film that offends the faith and feelings of Christians and helps to perpetrate hatred against Christians", explains to Fides Fr. Babu Joseph, spokesman for the Episcopal Conference of India. "We have asked for it to be withdrawn from the cinema. There are too many forces in India who want to create social disturbances, acting on the religious factor. The Christian faith is often told in a false and wrong way, in order to discredit and foment hatred. It is unclear who is behind the film in question, but we see that elements and Hindu extremist forces are scattered in society and the media. Christians see religion as a factor of peace. We condemn every act of blasphemy against any religion". The Jesuits of Ranchi (in the state of Jharkhans) note to Fides that "this is the worst possible representation of Christianity". "Not only it is a highly provocative and blasphemous film- note the religious - but it will also give a bad image of India in the international community", only in the name of profit.
Meanwhile, the CSF has started a petition that already includes more than 2,000 signatures of bishops, pastors, priests, activists, NGO leaders, who show solidarity and demand the withdrawal of the film. (PA) (Agenzia Fides 05/12/2011)
