AMERICA/PARAGUAY - The Church calls for respect towards indigenous people and the defense of their rights

Monday, 5 December 2011

Caacupé (Agenzia Fides) - The Church of Paraguay urged indigenous people to be united and defend their communities, their families, lands and natural resources. This is what His Exc. Mgr.Lucio ALfert, Bishop of the Apostolic Vicariate of Pilcomayo asked, during the Sunday Eucharistic celebration. During the homily of the Mass in honor of the Virgin of Caacupé, the nation's patron, the Bishop also denounced that entrepreneurs and speculators take possession of land by changing the original boundaries and throwing pesticides that harm the health of these people. Many indigenous families continue to be victims of the powerful, who deprive them of their land. Justice, the Bishop said, "bows before the powerful, obeys political interests and corruption that pays well", as the national newspaper ABC published in its digital version,.
Mgr. Alfert recommended the natives not to accept corruption "neither the money nor strange ideologies". He also urged residents to remain united to defend their lands and their families. The expulsion of the indigenous people from their communities make their presence in cities and suburbs grow, with the consequent increase in social problems such as prostitution and drug abuse in urban areas. Finally, the Bishop stressed the urgent need for clear political attention on behalf of state institutions and municipalities for these groups", in order to protect them from injustice and violations of human rights". (CE) (Agenzia Fides 05/12/2011)
