VATICAN-Pope calls for solidarity towards those who must leave "often forcedly" their country

Monday, 5 December 2011

Vatican City (Agenzia Fides) - An appeal for solidarity towards those who are forced to leave their country or are stateless, was launched by the Holy Father Benedict XVI during the Angelus yesterday, on Sunday, December 4, with these words: "In the next days in Geneva and other cities, we will celebrate the 50th anniversary of the World Organization for Migration, the 60th of the Convention on the Status of refugees and the 50th of the Convention on the Reduction of Statelessness. I entrust to the Lord those who, often forcedly, must leave their Country, or are stateless. While I encourage solidarity towards them, I pray for all those who are doing their utmost to protect and assist these brothers and sisiters in emergency situations, exposing themselves to serious hardships and dangers". Before reciting the Angelus, the Pope focused on the mission of John the Baptist, one of the figures "who played a prominent role in the preparation of the historical coming of the Lord Jesus". The mission of John "was an extraordinary appeal to conversion", said Benedict XVI, his appeal "goes further and deeper compared to the sober lifestyle: a call for inner change, starting with the recognition and confession of one’s own sin. As we prepare for Christmas, it is important that we find time for self-contemplation and carry out an honest assessment of our lives". (SL) (Agenzia Fides 05/12/2011)
