AMERICA/PERU -The Dominicans defend Radio Santo Domingo from the culamny "that stains the honor of the Church and the Order of Preachers"

Saturday, 3 December 2011

Chimbote (Agenzia Fides) - "The transmission of the truth is a cornerstone of our Dominican charism and many times this may not appeal to some, but does not give anyone the right to attack and insult to silence means of communication". With these words the Prior Provincial of the Dominicans, Fr. Juan José Salaverry Villarreal, OP, and members of the Dominican Province of St. John the Baptist of Peru, publicly manifest their support to the brothers who work at Radio Santo Domingo in Chimbote before the defamatory statements on behalf of the President of the region of Ancash, Cesar Alvarez Aguilar.
"We know the religious life of the members who form our community in Chimbote, the current director of Radio Santo Domingo, and those who occupied that position in past years. Therefore, the defamatory statement about the moral life of our brothers is unacceptable to us. Similarly we do not accept the opinions expressed on the Bishop, Monsignor Luis Bambaren, and Mgr. Angel Simon and on the clergy of the Diocese of Chimbote", is what is read in the statement by the Prior of the Dominicans, of which a copy was sent to Fides.
The President of the region of Ancash, Cesar Alvarez, has publicly accused the religious who host Radio Santo Domingo of homosexuality, and said that a group of journalists live with the priests. In addition, a TV host insulted the Bishop, defining him as a corrupt and dishonest politician.
The work of the Dominicans in Chimbote began in 1962 and has always been characterized by a generous testimony offered in the preaching of the truth, in the inland missions in Chimbote, in working with families, social justice, with the media, social work, special education, in parishes. Since the beginning of the Prelature, today the Diocese of Chimbote, the Dominicans have worked with the fishermen of the port, preaching from the pulpit of churches and radio microphones, reaching the brothers of the coast and the Andes of Ancash.
Therefore, the statement said, "we cannot allow that the work of many years to be disqualified for some unsubstantiated claims that stain the honor of the Church, the Order of Preachers and our brothers". Monsignor Luis Bambarén, former president of the Episcopal Conference of Peru told the local press that the church is studying the possibility of legal recourse. (CE) (Agenzia Fides 03/12/2011)
