ASIA/HONG KONG - Missionary Sisters of Our Lady of the Angels: 85 years of missionary service through education and youth ministry

Friday, 2 December 2011

Hong Kong (Agenzia Fides) - Offering complete education, so that Catholic values become a solid foundation for students: these are the commitments of the Missionary Sisters of Our Lady of the Angels, MNDA, in 85 years of mission in Hong Kong carried out through education and youth ministry, as confirmed by Sister Louisa Lui, Regional Superior of the Institute, during the celebration for the anniversary, celebrated in days. According to interviews with Kong Ko Bao (Chinese version of the diocesan bulletin) on behalf of various women religious on the occasion of the celebrations, the sisters stressed that "the Bible and the teaching of the magisterium are the basis of our teaching, because we have a duty to transmit Catholic Christian values ","we must help students to feel the love in the service "," give utmost importance to the love and service". So, every Friday, there are Catholic social teaching lessons for students and even teachers, inviting Catholic volunteers to hold regular meetings.
The Congregation of the Missionary Sisters of Our Lady of the Angels M.N.D.A. was founded by a Canadian nun and a Chinese nun in 1922, in Canada, for the mission in China, in particular for Chinese women. It arrived in Hong Kong in 1926. The mother house is still in Canada. The two founding nuns, driven by prophetic enlightenment of the Holy Spirit, realized that they had to go to China to improve the religious and humanistic knowledge of Chinese women. They therefore gathered the Chinese women to fulfill their dream, forming them as collaborators of the apostolate. So they began to form religious, catechists and lay people. The sisters are also active in the social, medical and educational field. Today the community of Hong Kong consists of 10 nuns. (NZ) (Agenzia Fides 02/12/2011)
