VATICAN - Benedict XVI: yesterday as today, the blood of the martyrs touches the human heart and makes it fruitful

Thursday, 1 December 2011

Vatican City (Agenzia Fides) - "The announcement of the Christian news, of the beauty of faith in Christ needs people who with their lives, consistent with their loyalty, testified if necessary to the giving of oneself, show the absolute primacy of love over any other resort". This is what the Holy Father Benedict XVI said in his message at the XVI Public Session of the Pontifical Academy on the theme: "Testimony and witnesses.Martyrdom and champions of the faith ", held yesterday afternoon, November 30. The Pope points out: "If we observe carefully the example of martyrs, of the courageous witness of Christian antiquity, as well as many of the witnesses of our times, we realize that people are profoundly free, free from compromises and selfish ties, aware of the importance and beauty of their lives, and for this capable of loving God and neighbor in a heroic manner, tracing the high standard of Christian holiness". Focusing on the theme chosen by the Public Session, the Pope stresses the importance of the historicity of Christianity, "its constantly being intertwined with history to turn it into depth thanks to the leaven of the Gospel and holiness lived and witnessed". Careful study of the testimonies of the past makes it possible "to rediscover many aspects of life of past generations as well as the experience of faith of the ancient Christian communities". Among the archaeological sites where signs of the Christian presence are emerging, the Pope mentioned in particular Holy Land and the city of Rome, where martyrdom "attests not only generic Christian presence, but also a strong testimony of Christians and those who for Christ gave their lives, the martyrs ... The numerous monumental and artistic interventions dedicated to the martyrs, in fact documented by the archaeological research and all other related research, stem from a belief always present in the Christian community: the Gospel speaks to the heart of man and communicates mainly through the living testimony of believers".
Finally, Benedict XVI emphasized that "even today the Church, if she wants to effectively speak to the world, if she wants to continue to proclaim the Gospel faithfully and make its presence felt friendly to men and women who live their lives feeling 'pilgrims of truth and peace ', she should be witness of the credibility of faith, ie must be able to offer concrete evidence and prophetic signs through effective and transparent consistency, loyalty and unconditional and passionate love to Christ, not separated by a genuine love, love towards one’s neighbor. Then, as now, the blood of the martyrs, their tangible and eloquent testimony touches the human heart and makes it fruitful, able to put forth a new life in itself, to accept the life of the Risen Christ to bring resurrection and hope to the world around him".(SL) (Agenzia Fides 01/12/2011)
