ASIA/PAKISTAN - A wave of anti-US protest: Pakistani Christians are afraid of retaliation

Wednesday, 30 November 2011

Lahore (Agenzia Fides) - The wave of protest against the United States and the West has not calmed down, started after the bombing by NATO forces, which in past days, killed 26 Pakistani soldiers on the Pakistani-Afghan border. Pakistani Christians fear that Islamic fundamentalist fringes can take the opportunity to unleash retaliation against Christians, assimilated into the Islamist propaganda, to Westerners.
Today in Lahore, the main city in the Punjab province where the Muslim extremist movements are very common, students belonging to the organization "Jamaatud Dawa", banned by the government, have staged demonstrations chanting "jihad" against America and calling for the expulsion of NATO forces from the country. What happened, they say, "is an attack on the entire nation", urging the government to break the alliance with the U.S. and NATO. The activists of the movement "Tehreek-e-Insaf" have also staged protests in front of the U.S. consulate in Lahore. According to Fides sources, tension remains high and mighty demonstrations are scheduled for next Friday, after the Islamic prayer.
Fr. Yousaf Emmanuel, Director of the Commission "Justice and Peace" of the Episcopal Conference of Pakistan, explains to Fides: "The Muslim extremist groups are angry and have been protesting for days. In these groups anti-Western hatred harbours, and now it has openly exploded. The military accident is fuel on fire. But common people are outraged by the attack of NATO, for the loss of lives, the lack of serious words of apology from the main authorities. The fear is that in the awakened anti-Western propaganda, Pakistani Christians can be included, considered friends or servants of the West. Let us pray and hope that this does not happen". With regards to the Christian community, Fr. Emmanuel notes: "We Pakistani Christians share the indignation of the nation. As political and military partner respect is due to us. We are close to the suffering of the bereaved families, but even in this difficult situation, we continue to spread words of peace and reconciliation, and to pray for national harmony". (PA) (Agenzia Fides 30/11/2011)
