ASIA/PHILIPPINES - "The people are hostage in a reign of terror and impunity", the complaint is from the forum "Justice for Fr. Tentorio"

Tuesday, 29 November 2011

Arakan (Agenzia Fides) - Harassment and intimidation to tribal peolple and social leaders; threats to the missionaries; chaos and suffering of the people, in a "reign of terror and impunity" This is what the religious, Christian leaders, supporters of peace, human rights activists denounce, at the conclusion of a two-day pilgrimage to the valley of Arakan, in the North Cotabato area, on the Philippine island of Mindanao. The pilgrimage was held in memory of Fr. Fausto Tentorio, the PIME missionary killed on October 17 last in Arakan and was organized by the Movement "Justice for Fr. Tentorio". As reported to Fides, the movement's leaders have initiated dialogue with the local government, with the police and the local Commission for Human Rights, listening to the people of Arakan and showing support after the loss of the beloved "father Pops "(as Fr. Tentorio was called), killed 40 days ago.
As Fides learns from one of the leaders of the mission, the Claretian Brother Arvin Bellen, "the peasants and indigenous Lumad are constantly victims of military operations by special forces" who seek the communist rebels of the New People's Army.
"The residents – notes brother Bellen - have long since submitted to the authorities a petition for the withdrawal of troops, to no avail. After the latest killings in the country an intense fear prevails. The pastoral operators of the parish Mother of Perpetual Help of Arakan and leaders of peasant organizations are victims of harassment and intimidation. Even Fr. Peter Geremia, PIME missionary, has received threats".
"The situation - he continues - reveals the ugly parody that Aquino has made of the word peace. The counter-insurgency operations Oplan Bayanihan is not needed to establish peace and has spread terror among the lumads and farmers. As long as the Armed Forces of the Philippines continue to serve the interests of big companies, their so-called peace will only bring more chaos and suffering to poor communities. As long as the government allows terror and impunity to reign in North Cotabato, there will be no real peace". The Movement stresses its call for a "rapid investigation of Tentorio’s murder ", and calls on the Government to convene all social forces, tribal, religious communities and civil society, to bring peace and development in the region. (PA) (Agenzia Fides 29/11/2011)
