VATICAN - The pain and the Pope's prayer for the nun and the volunteer killed in Burundi

Tuesday, 29 November 2011

Vatican City (Agenzia Fides) - The Holy Father Benedict XVI sent a message, through the Secretary of State, Cardinal Tarcisio Bertone to the Bishop of Ngozi, to the Congregation of the Sisters of Charity of Brescia, to Mr. Francesco Bazzani’s family and relatives, after the tragic events on Sunday, November 27, during the mission of Kiremba, which belongs to the Diocese of Ngozi (see Fides 28/11/2011) when, during a robbery, a nun and a volunteer lay person were killed, while another nun was injured.
"On hearing the sad news - says the Message of which a copy was sent to Fides by the Nunciature in Burundi -about the murder of Sister Lukrecija Mamic and Mr. Francesco Bazzani, His Holiness Pope Benedict XVI expressed his sincere condolences to the Congregation of the Sisters of Charity of Brescia, and Mr. Bazzani’s family and relatives, and the whole diocesan community of Ngozi. The Pope asks God, the Father of all mercies, to welcome into His Kingdom those dead who have dedicated their lives to serving the sick and the poor, and to give courage and hope to Sister Carla Lucia Brienza so that she gets through this test. As a pledge of spiritual comfort, the Holy Father sends heartfelt Apostolic Blessing, to the Sisters of the Congregation of the Sisters of Charity, Mr. Bazzani’s family, and all those affected by these brutal deaths". (SL) (Agenzia Fides 29/11/2011)
