VATICAN - Pope: "respect for the environment cannot overlook recognition for the importance and inviolability of human beings"

Tuesday, 29 November 2011

Vatican City (Agenzia Fides) - "If, human activity forgets to collaborate with God, it can do violence to the creation and cause damage which always has negative consequences, also for mankind. Today more than ever it is clear that respect for the environment cannot overlook recognition for the importance and inviolability of human beings, at every stage of life and in every condition. Respect for the human being and respect for nature arethe same thing, they grow and find their just measure if we respect the Creator and His creation". On November 28 the Holy Father Benedict XVI received students from schools participating in the Italian project "Ambientiamoci to school" sponsored by the Foundation "Sorella Natura" of Assisi, on the "Custody of Creation Day" , which falls on November 29, the anniversary of the proclamation of St. Francis of Assisi as patron of the environment.
The Holy Father said in his speech that "Brother Francis, faithful to Holy Scripture, invites us to recognize that nature is like a marvellous book speaking to us of God, of His beauty and goodness". He then stressed: "the Church, while appreciating the most important scientific research and discoveries, has never ceased to remind people that by respecting the mark of the Creator in all creation, we achieve a better understanding of our true and profound human identity. If lived well, this respect can help a young person also to discover talents and personal ability, and therefore to prepare for a certain profession, he/she will always try to carry out in the respect of environment". Addressing finally to the teachers and representatives from the public authorities, Benedict XVI highlighted the "great importance education has" in environmental questions: "It is now clear that humankind has no productive future on earth if we do not educate everyone to be responsible for the creation. And I stress the importance of the word 'created', because the great and wonderful tree of life is not the result of blind and irrational evolution, but this evolution reflects the creative will of the Creator and its beauty and goodness". (SL) (Agenzia Fides 29/11/2011)
