ASIA/PAKISTAN - Paul Bhatti: "The NATO attack may compromise the fight against terrorism and religious harmony in Pakistan"

Monday, 28 November 2011

Islamabad (Agenzia Fides) - "The NATO attack is serious because it can compromise the fight against terrorism but also interreligious harmony, intercultural dialogue, and peace in Pakistan": with these words, the Catholic Paul Bhatti, Special Adviser to the Prime Minister for Minority Affairs and president of the "All Pakistan Minorities Alliance" (APMA) comments in a note sent to Fides, the attack of NATO forces on Pakistani military posts on the border with Afghanistan , which resulted in the deaths of 24 Pakistani soldiers and caused a crisis in international relations between Pakistan and the Atlantic Alliance.
Bhatti defines the NATO raid "an act of terrorism, which affects sovereignty, independence and territorial integrity of our country" and says: "As adviser to the Prime Minister and as President of the APMA I am shocked and, on behalf of the Christian community, I express sympathy and condolences to the soldiers’ families, assuring prayers for the speedy recovery of the wounded".
The tension in the country remains high and there are anti-Western demonstrations in major cities. Gulshan Barkat, of the community of the Missionary Oblates of Mary Immaculate in Quetta, in the border area between Pakistan and Afghanistan, told Fides: "People are really angry against NATO, also because there has not been any form of apology. In fact I think this serious episode could have negative repercussion concerning social harmony in the country: anti-Western propaganda, fueled by extremist Islamic groups, has good game and gets stronger. But I do not think that there may be consequences or violent acts against Christians in Pakistan". (PA) (Agenzia Fides 28/11/2011)
