ASIA/HONG KONG - The Hong Kong diocese is preparing to welcome a new deacon

Monday, 28 November 2011

Hong Kong (Agenzia Fides) - The diocese of Hong Kong, and especially the parish of St. Jude, are preparing to welcome a new deacon originally from the diocese, Mai Ying Jiang, who was educated at the diocesan Seminary in Hong Kong. According to reports from the Kong Ko Bao (Chinese version of the diocesan bulletin), the ordiantion will be celebrated on December 10 in the parish of St. Jude, where he has been since September after other pastoral experiences at the Old age pensioners home, at the House of Charity, at the Center for Social Service of Caritas, the hospital and other parishes. The parish organized a prayer vigil for vocations and in view of his ordination, to be held on December 2. The new deacon is a native of Hong Kong, where he was born in 1980. He entered the seminary in 2004, after attending the Meeting of Prayer for Vocations, and following personal discernment with the help of priests. According to the Hong Kong Catholic Church Directory 2011, to August 31, 2010 there were 11 diocesan seminarians at the diocesan Seminary in Hong Kong (two of the Faculty of Theology, 6 of Philosophy and 3 for the courses of orientation), three from other dioceses (1 and 2 in the placement of orientation courses) and 15 from 5 different religious congregations (2 trainees, 9 of the Faculty of Theology, 4 of Philosophy ). (NZ) (Agenzia Fides 28/11/2011)
