ASIA/INDIA - Archbishop of Orissa’s appeal to the faithful: "Heralds of Hope, for the common good"

Monday, 28 November 2011

Bhubaneswar (Agenzia Fides) - "As we approach Christmas, we want to be heralds of a message of hope, in the certainty that God accompanies His people": this is the appeal launched to the faithful of Orissa by His Exc. Mgr. John Barwa SVD, Archbishop of Cuttack-Bhubaneswar. In a letter released at the beginning of Advent, of which a copy was sent to Agenzia Fides, the Archbishop recalls the suffering endured by the community: "The district of Kandhamal, which occupies a central part of the Archdiocese - Archbishop Barwa writes - has paid a heavy toll because of the anti-Christian violence in 2008. More than 14 of the 30 civil districts of the state were affected. More than 6,000 houses in 400 villages were burned, as well as 296 churches and small Christian places of worship. More than 56,000 Christians have become 'internal IDPs', some 30,000 still live in refugee camps set up by the government. About 1,000 were warned or threatened by their neighbors: they can return home only if they become Hindus. The rest of the refugees preferred to leave, for fear, the district of Kandhamal, or are looking for work: as a matter of fact they have no livelihood options in Kandhamal, where they are also victims of a 'veto' at an economical and social level".
After a pastoral visit in the diocese, which has recently ended, the Archbishop identifies, however, signs of hope for the future: "I noticed that priests, religious and faithful have great good will, optimism and enthusiasm, despite the many challenges: they all have hope for the future, so that a peaceful and harmonious community of people in the district of Kandhamal and in the archdiocese can be built, with the commitment to bring the light of Christ to all people".
"I also positively observed - he continues - that many programs for the implementation of various socio-economic and religious activities have been launched. There is no climate of hostility and revenge: everyone is eager to create and sustain a climate conducive to peaceful coexistence and common work "
The development projects initiated by the Catholic community, for the people of the archdiocese, are in full swing: already more than 3,500 people have been able to rebuild their homes. The local Church is currently engaged in building new homes in reconciliation programs, in assistant medical projects, in educational support for children in professional training courses for young people. The Archbishop concludes by saying that he relies on the generous support of the communities and Catholic associations throughout the world. (PA) (Agenzia Fides 28/11/2011)
