AMERICA/MEXICO - Thousands of believers marching to defend migrants in Chiapas and the earth

Saturday, 26 November 2011

San Cristobal (Agenzia Fides) – To demonstrate against the mining exploitation, the destruction of nature, drug abuse and violations of the rights of migrants: for this purpose, local sources of Fides report that over 8 thousand Catholics gathered in recent days, under the leadership of Mgr. Felipe Arizmendi Esquivel, Bishop of San Cristobal de Las Casas (in Chiapas) in a town pilgrimage, which involved the best forces of the diocese. The pilgrimage was attended by the 54 parishes of the diocese and a number of organized groups, that from three different points of the city, reached the central square, in front of the Cathedral, after two hours of walking.
During the Mass, which concluded the pilgrimage, the Bishop said: "We demand a change, for a different style in politics, education, culture and life". "There are companies that want to own the lands that belong to farmers, there are corrupt authorities. We ask God for the strength to denounce those who distribute drugs, those who threaten and blackmail, kidnap those immigrants who pass by", he continued.
Drug trafficking and violence against migrants is a serious problem in this diocese, and the Church has been committed to fighting this scourge for some time (see Fides 03/01/2011). According to the National Human Rights Commission of Mexico in 2010 there were 20,000 reports of kidnappings of migrants. Every year between 200,000 and 300,000 migrants in Central America try to cross Mexico to reach the United States, but during their journey they are surprised by organized criminal gangs who kidnap or rob them, demanding a ransom from their families. These actions are also involved in the underworld drug cartels. The Episcopal Conference of Mexico has repeatedly denounced the plight of migrants (see Fides 17/11/2010). (CE) (Agenzia Fides 26/11/2011)
