ASIA/PHILIPPINES - "Vacuum of authority, ideas, law, morals in Mindanao", denounces a Jesuit

Saturday, 26 November 2011

Davao (Agenzia Fides) - "We are concerned about the difficulties that we live in Mindanao: in particular the absence of the rule of law, the absence of a credible leadership, the lack of adequate investments in social promotion and development": is what the Jesuit Father Albert Alejo, SJ says in an interview with Fides, Director of the 'Institute for Dialogue in Mindanao, at the University in Davao, and promoter of numerous projects in civil society on the island.
While in Midanao the Christian, and Muslim communities and interfaith groups are preparing for the "Week of Peace" (November 28-December 4), Fr. Alejo stresses to Fides that it is the first evil on the island is the "political vacuum": "There is not a strong idea for the future of Mindanao. There is no office for the coordination of central and local policies, the 'Regional Peace Order Council' is still, without a director. There is an emptiness at a political, social and civil level". This, he adds, "is a serious problem because due to this emptiness crime and impunity thrive".
The government of Benigno Aquino, notes the Jesuit, "has cut funding for the 'Bishop Ulama Conference", the Conference of Bishops and Islamic leaders, that organized the Week of Peace, promoted and supported by the previous government. "We believe in the active role that religious leaders have for peace, today it seems they do not count anything anymore", he says.
Looking at the situations of conflict, continues Fr. Alejo, "the negotiations, both with the Islamic guerrilla groups, and with the communist rebels have stopped and there are no real prospects of peace. The militarization of the territory is strong, but a reform of the armed forces would be necessary, we have been talking about this for years. There are corrupt elements in the army", while "a parallel economy of the conflict in Mindanao has developed, made up of arms trafficking and kidnapping business".
The appeal of the Director is to revive "a policy of dialogue at all levels, with all parts of society in Mindanao, enhancing protagonists like civil society and religious leaders" and promoting, with all means, "the service for good governance", eradicating corruption and forming leaders with civic and moral depth. (PA) (Agenzia Fides 26/11/2011)
