ASIA/PHILIPPINES-Tentorio’s case, the police have identified the person behind the assassination; civil society on a pilgrimage

Saturday, 26 November 2011

Cotabato (Agenzia Fides) - The investigation of Father Fausto Tentorio’s murder, the missionary of the Pontifical Institute for Foreign Missions (PIME) killed on October 17 in Arakan, may be at a turning point: as local sources of Fides report, Ferdinand Baldoman, agent of the National Bureau of Investigation (NBI) in the District Office of Sarangani-General Santos, has announced that the mandator of the crime has been identified. The police have already collected various evidence and testimonies. The name of the man behind the assassination is strict secrecy due to the fact that operations are still in progress to find him.
Fr. Gianni Re, Superior of PIME in the Philippines, is in Arakan (on the island of Mindanao, Southern Philippines) for the celebration of the Mass, 40 days after Fr. Fausto’s death. In an interview with Fides Fr. Gianni Re said: " News of the imminent arrest of the killers or of the people behind the assassination have been circulating for days. High government authorities have personally assured me that the Special Task Force is dedicating time, energy and resources to identify those responsible. We confidently await the official results of the investigations, so that justice is done". We ask Aquino’s government, highlights the Superior, " to continue in the efforts to stop the trail of unpunished crimes and to promote genuine peace in Mindanao".
The news comes when civil society organizations had criticized the slow pace of investigations (see Fides 25/11/2011), fearing the cover up of the case. The groups fear that - hiding the real culprits, allegedly linked to paramilitary groups operated by the army – one looks for a scapegoat by accusing an innocent person, as this has already happened in other cases of extrajudicial killings which take place in Mindanao.
Today the pilgrimage begins in Davao organized by the movement "Justice for Father Tentorio", which gathers over 50 organizations and religious congregations, interfaith groups. Thousands of activists and indigenous who left from Davao to reach Arakan, where the missionary is buried. (PA) (Agenzia Fides 26/11/2011)
