ASIA/SOUTH KOREA - The Word of God to evangelize society today: Bible Week just concluded

Saturday, 26 November 2011

Seoul (Agenzia Fides) – To hold firm the reference to Sacred Scripture, in order to evangelize a rapidly changing society: with this spirit, the community celebrated the Catholic Bible Week 2011, sponsored by the Biblical Commission at the Episcopal Conference of Korea.
As reported to Fides, during the Week, which began on November 20 and ended today, initiatives in every diocese took place, the community came together, reflected and prayed, meditating and discussing the message of Abbot Simon Petro Ri Hyong-U, OSB, President of the Biblical Commission,
The Abbot urged the faithful to understand the urgency of the new evangelization in a radically changing society, that faces many problems such as materialism, the financial crisis and natural disasters. In this context, and faced with increasingly complex challenges, "the faithful’s most urgent mission is to put into practice the Word of God and to communicate the Good News", notes the message, which was sent to Fides. "What we have to do - concludes the Abbot - is to continue the saving works of Jesus today. In a word, it means giving oneself totally to the glory of God and building His Kingdom in this world".(PA) (Agenzia Fides 26/11/2011)
