AMERICA/COLOMBIA-The establishment of SIGNIS Colombia, a challenge for the Catholic communication in a country committed to peace

Friday, 25 November 2011

Bogota (Agenzia Fides) – After the conclusions of a meeting between individuals and representatives of different institutions working in the field of the Catholic communication, that gathered on November 18 at the headquarters of the Episcopal Conference of Colombia, a decision to start a business coordination was taken that will lead to the birth of SIGNIS Colombia. Thanks to the information sent to Agenzia Fides, we learn that one of the first activities will be to promote a national Congress of communication in 2012. Among the actions cited that are part of the operational plan we read: the formation and support to the production of radio programs for the community, the organization of days of cinema and spirituality, pastoral formation for communication, circulation of research and the organization of the first National Congress of communication.
To support the coordination, the exchange of experiences, formation, research and collaboration among institutions and individuals, a group responsible for the management SIGNIS Colombia was formed by members of UNIMINUTO, Central University, by Pauline sisters and the Episopal Conference. This group is still open to individuals and organizations interested in promoting communication based on the principles and human and Christian values. The coordination group was formed by Father Jose Elver Rojas (CEC), Sister Lucelly Villa (FSP), Jacqueline Alarcón (UC), Luis Guillermo Rubiano and Carlos Cantor (UNIMINUTO).
The Colombian Catholic communicators have a rich experience, wide and diversified in the field of communication: newspapers, radio, television, research, advertising, theater, cinema, Internet, multimedia producers, radio for schools and the community, "educomunicazione" networking, professor of communication, etc.. All these realities, however, need to be better articulated and coordinated, and this will be one of the main challenges of the coordination group. On Monday 28 November there will be a second meeting, again at the headquarters of the Colombian Episcopal Conference, to continue to project strategies and work plans. (CE) (Agenzia Fides 25/11/2011)
