AMERICA/MEXICO - "It is time to improve our institutions and expose corruption", asks the weekly magazine of the Archdiocese of Mexico

Thursday, 24 November 2011

Mexico City (Agenzia Fides) - The Archdiocese of Nuevo leon (Mexico City), through its weekly magazine "Desde la Fe", invites everyone to a serious reflection on the importance of the 2012 electoral events and to report any type of public administration corruption. "Faced with the important presidential election of 2012, it is time to make a deep reflection, as citizens, to improve our civil institutions. It is time to ask elected officials to keep their promises and responsibilities. It is time to denounce the corruption that still exists", this is what one reads in an editorial sent to Agenzia Fides by the Information Service of the Archdiocese.
The text of the editorial proposes the case of the Federal Electoral Institute as an example, which after having been one of the pillars that helped the transition to democracy, "has become an institution controlled by political parties, increasingly distant from the interests of citizens".
"This institution has made democracy one of the most expensive products in our country: it has just approved the budget for next year, which amounts to almost 16 billion pesos" (about more than one billion U.S. dollars), making it "a huge bureaucratic apparatus, beginning with the advisers, who are many, and that requires enormous resources".
Faced with this reality, the editorial asks, "What is the result of their work? Is it really worth investing so much in terms of a true democracy? Are they doing their job effectively? They managed to raise citizen participation ? Do they have a strategy to involve the whole society in the promotion of the vote"?.
"While we think of all of this, in the Chamber of Deputies the appointment of three missing members remains unresolved and the IFE asks for an increase of 150,000 pesos (about U.S. $ 10,600) for each director due to the 'workload' in the absence of the three directors. There is no doubt that our democracy is too expensive", says the text. (CE) (Agenzia Fides 24/11/2011)
