ASIA/MYANMAR - The Archbishop of Yangon: "A positive political turning point in the country, now full rights for all religions"

Thursday, 24 November 2011

Yangon (Agenzia Fides) - "We look with favor on the current phase of reforms. Now the government invites religious leaders to work together for the development of the country and to give the same protections, rights and opportunities to all religions" this is what Archbishop Charles Maung Bo, SDB, Archbishop of the capital, Yangon, and General Secretary of the Bishops' Conference of Myanmar tells Fides.
The Archbishop notes the improvements at an internal level: "The voices of the people are positive, there is an awakening and greater public opinion freedom. A dialogue has opened between the government and opposition party leader Aung San Suu Kyi, who will participate, with her party, in the next elections". It emphasizes the progress at an international level: "Myanmar will host the next ASEAN meeting in 2014, and will have the presidency", pointing out that there is more attention from the international community and the United States towards the country, while "China also seems quiet".
At this period of general change, Mgr. Bo asks the government to invite religious leaders "to make an effective contribution to the development of the country", ultimately eliminating the "closed-mindedness, discrimination and restrictions against religions", which are "grave injustice". "We must learn from the past and invest in the future: the state, today, must provide the same protections, rights and opportunities to all religions. We have suffered for too long. Many have died and now we have the desire to give our Christian witness", remarked the Archbishop.
"We appreciated – Mgr. Bo continues - the measures taken by the government in recent times: the release of some political prisoners, the courage with which it suspended the Myitsone dam project, the space given to the opposition party. We stand for a constructive partnership. As a united nation, we can all have benefits at all levels".
Though, today we maintain "an attitude of caution" after years of oppressive regime - the Archbishop concludes - Christians in Myanmar are planning to give a greater contribution to building the future of Myanmar, putting at the service of the country all their gifts and resources (PA ) (Agenzia Fides 24/11/2011)
