AMERICA/UNITED STATES - The U.S. Bishops approve the funding for the reconstruction projects in Haiti and 174 of solidarity in Latin America

Wednesday, 23 November 2011

Washington (Agenzia Fides) - The Subcommittee for the Church in Latin America of the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops (USCCB) has approved the funding for 174 projects, worth over 2.7 million dollars to help the Church’s pastoral work in the 19 countries of Latin America. The decision was taken during the last meeting of the Subcommittee, held last November 12 in Baltimore. According to information sent to Agenzia Fides, during this meeting the first grants for projects of reconstruction of the Church in Haiti were also approved. These include structural repairs to a diocesan school of secondary education in the town of Jacmel and the church Cathedral in Miragoanes, for a total of nearly $100,000.
The subcommittee directly helped the Bishops of Haiti immediately after the earthquake, to create the necessary structures to ensure the safety and efficiency of the reconstruction. All this economic aid for the reconstruction should be channeled through PROCHE (Partnership for Reconstruction of the Church in Haiti ), the agency created by the Bishops of Haiti for this purpose.
The subcommittee also approved funding for a series of pastoral projects, the formation of Church ministers and other special projects. The Subcommittee for the Church in Latin America is responsible for supervising the collection for the Church in Latin America and is part of the collections of the National Committee of the Episcopal Conference of the United States. (CE) (Agenzia Fides 23/11/2011)
