AMERICA/UNITED STATES - The New Executive Director of the the United States Catholic Mission Association USCMA

Wednesday, 23 November 2011

Washington (Agenzia Fides) - The United States Catholic Mission Association, USCMA has a new Executive Director: Fr. John Richard Nuelle, member of the Missionaries of Our Lady of La Salette (MS), elected by the Board of Directors of the Association. According to a statement sent to Fides, Fr. Nuelle began his long missionary experience in Madagascar, where he was sent immediately after his ordination, and for almost 30 years he served in numerous capacities including: director of the missionary districts of Malaimbandy Ambatolahy, diocesan chaplain of youth organizations, Regional Superior for the missionaries La Salettes, and General Secretary and Temporary Procurator to the Holy See. Upon his return to the U.S. he was commissioned to form a new inter-provincial Mission Center for the four North American provinces . Fr. Nuelle is a familiar face to many USCMA members who have been attending our annual conferences, because whenever he was in the United States he made a point of attending, communicating his enthusiasm and missionary zeal. Fr. Nuelle succeeds Fr. Michael Montoya, MJ, who has served for the last six years. The USCMA has just celebrated its 30th year of activity, having been born in 1981, in direct line with the two national U.S. mission agencies: The Missionary Secretariat (1949-1969) and the Catholic Missionary Council of the United States (1969 to 1980 ). (SL) (Agenzia Fides 23/11/2011)
