ASIA/TAIWAN - "Love from Taiwan": an exhibition on international cooperation, humanitarian aid and young Catholics voluntary work in Taiwan

Tuesday, 22 November 2011

Tai Pei (Agenzia Fides) - "Love from Taiwan" is the theme of the Catholic youth section of the exhibition entitled "From Taiwan, in contact with the world: the result of the international participation of NGOs from Taiwan". According to reports from the Catholic Weekly, the weekly bulletin of the Archdiocese of Tai Pei, the exhibition that has just ended, housed in a museum of the Father of the Nation of Tai Pei, was organized by the Youth Pastoral Group of the Regional Episcopal Conference of Taiwan , the Association of high school students. It was like a summary of the participation of Young Catholic Taiwanese at World Youth Day, Youth Day and Asian Youth Day in Taiwan, International Young Catholic Students (IYCS), and many other humanitarian activities, voluntary work and of international collaboration. The parish life of young Catholics was also presented, to help visitors learn about the life of faith of the young. Mgr. Martin Su Yao-Wen, Bishop of the Diocese of Tai Chung, together with Mgr.Thomas Chung, head of the Youth Group of the Commission of the evangelization of the Regional Episcopal Conference of Taiwan, took part in the organization and conduct of the exhibition. According to the spiritual director of the youth group of the Regional Episcopal Conference, Fr. Pak S. Alexe, SJ, "in today's world dominated by consumerism and selfishness, we Catholics have a duty to let people know our way of life, which is focused on spirituality and service to others, and on the spread of these values". (NZ) (Agenzia Fides 22/11/2011)
