AMERICA/PERU -"Sustainable mining activity and development are possible with a frank and patient dialogue": Mgr. Bambarén on social conflict

Friday, 18 November 2011

Lima (Agenzia Fides) - The regional and local authorities must insist on dialogue between the State, enterprises and community, on what concerns the sustainable mining activity and development of their areas. This is what Archbishop Luis Bambarén, Bishop Emeritus of Chimbote, former President of the Peruvian Episcopal Conference says, who has a large and long experience in the social field.
From the information gathered by Fides, in different areas of Peru tension between the population in the communities (especially Andean) and large companies working in the field of mining, where real social conflicts take place. Exploited workers go on strike, there are conflicts with farmers for the respect of the agricultural areas, the total lack of information when a great mining work begins, etc.. The Church considers this issue of fundamental importance for the social life of the community (see Fides 15/06/2011). President Ollanta Humala’s new government considers mining very important for the economy of the country and insisted on the possibility of harmonizing the mining activity with the agriculture and the respect for nature.
In an interview with Radio Nacional Mgr. Luis Bambarén said that "the regional authorities must contribute to an open dialogue, and not to close within themselves", because only "frank and patient" dialogue can open the door to a new type of mines, which acquires the commitment of social responsibility and respect for the environment, in favor of regional and national development. People still remember the image of the past, but now there is a new way to make the mines, and this "must be explained in a simple language and through patient and frank dialogue, without raising false expectations", said the Bishop.
To prevent social conflicts in the mining field it is important to create committees that control and ensure the fulfillment of the agreements, said Msgr. Bambarén. In addition, the regional authorities must provide adequate information to people on the treatment of water, on new commitments that the mining companies take on and social projection that this poses to their communities. To resolve social conflicts, however, everyone must "establish a dialogue, be open to consultation, to allow the executive time to carry out the action". Finally, he reiterated the Church's desire to participate as a mediator of dialogue for the resolution of social conflicts. (CE) (Agenzia Fides 18/11/2011)
