ASIA/TAIWAN - The Xaverians in Taiwan celebrated the canonization of the founder, St. Conforti

Friday, 18 November 2011

Tai Pei (Agenzia Fides) - A solemn Eucharist presided by Cardinal Paul Shan, the screening of a documentary about the founder, the inauguration of the statue of the Saint, an exhibition on the life and mission of Conforti, the festival of young lay Xaverians ... this is how San Guido Maria Conforti's spiritual children of Taiwan celebrated the canonization of the founder, celebrated in St. Peter's on October 23, in communion with the 850 Xaverian missionaries in 19 countries throughout the world. In the homily of the Mass, Cardinal Shan, a Jesuit, Bishop Emeritus of Kaohsiung, recalled with affection his special relationship with the Xaverians: "I think I have been chosen to preside at the Eucharist today for two main reasons: Xaverians and Jesuits are cousins, because St. Ignatius and St. Francis Xavier were friends and companions. Secondly, the first Xaverians began their mission in the city of Zheng Zhou, which is located near my hometown. So today I represent the entire population of Zheng Zhou, which pays homage to San Conforti". Later, the Cardinal recalled the life of the new Saint, his missionary zeal, emphasizing the need to follow his footsteps today "in everyday life, at work and wherever we are", inviting "to pray for evangelization".
According to information gathered by Fides, the Xaverians, after leaving China in 1952, spread across 20 countries. In the '60s they settled in Taiwan, even if for a short period (1967-1972). They took over the management of St. Francis Xavier parish in the district of Wen Shan in Taipei. In 1990 a group of four young priests arrived in Taipei to study Chinese and find ways to cooperate with the local Church. In 1995 Archbishop Gang Ti entrusted the parish of St. Francis Xavier in Taipei to the Xaverians again. In addition to the work in their own parish, the Xaverians were also dedicated to the priestly ministry in support of other parishes, in Chinese and English. They served as chaplains and trainers of the student youth movement in the diocese of Taipei, in pastoral vocations as teachers at the "Theological Faculty of Fu Jen", they dedicated themselves to preaching retreats and conference presentations in parishes and religious communities. Of particular commitment, was the ministry of ecumenical and interreligious dialogue, which led to frequent meetings with religious leaders, participation in cultural activities, the animation work within the Catholic Church through contacts with religious and cultural centers and international relations. Among other services to which they also collaborated we have "China Forum" and the Course of initiation for new missionaries. (NZ) (Agenzia Fides 18/11/2011)
