EUROPE/ITALY- Don Bosco’s missionary heart still beats in many Salesian novices

Friday, 18 November 2011

Rome (Agenzia Fides) - "I am convinced that the Lord calls many of the 500 novices who each year enter the Congregation to a life of mission ad gentes, ad extra, ad vitam. Currently about 30 Salesians respond with generosity to the call of the Lord every year: Go all over the world! (Mt 28:18-20)". This is what Don Vaclav Klement writes, Councillor for the Missions of the Salesians of Don Bosco (SDB), in the appeal launched to the delegates for missionary animation in sight of the next missionary expedition, the 143rd, in 2012.
Inviting us to contemplate Don Bosco’s missionary heart, Don Klement writes in his letter published by Ans Agency: "From the courtyard of Valdocco he always dreamed of reaching children around the world and bringing them to Jesus. To fully understand Don Bosco we are called to understand his vision and his missionary heart. The more missionaries he sent, the more young people asked to become Salesians!" Therefore don Klement invites to help the Salesian missions with prayer for missionary vocations, ensuring adequate missionary formation and insights for those wishing to embrace the mission ad gentes and give life to the next missionary expedition.
The list of urgent missionary needs of the Congregation for 2012 range from the support to the first evangelization in the Vicariate of Gambella, Ethiopia, to the management of educational work in Tunisia, to the work among young people at risk in New Zealand, to social work and in the presence among indigenous people in Brazil, to the commitment among Hispanic migrants in the United States of America. (SL) (Agenzia Fides 18/11/2011)
