AMERICA/VENEZUELA - The Episcopal Conference is concerned about the life of a journalist on hunger strike

Thursday, 17 November 2011

Caracas (Agenzia Fides) - In a statement entitled "Reconciliation, Peace and Justice", the Episcopal Conference of Venezuela urges the judiciary authorities to "carefully consider" why the journalist Leocenis Garcia is on a hunger strike, who took this decision a week ago. The InterAmerican Press Society (SIP) has demanded Garcia’s release during the trial. Leocenis Garcia is in prison because in August he had published a cartoon photomontage deemed offensive by the government of Venezuela.
"We pray that this situation will be resolved without causing injury, and calm prevails among those who are involved in this case. The loss of a human life would be very serious since he can be released after being trialed, especially when crimes of opinion are not listed in the Bolivarian Constitution of Venezuela", this is what is read in the declaration of the Bishops, sent to Fides.
The Church says that this is "a very serious situation in the light of the Social Doctrine of the Church". The Bishops point out: "This intervention has no other reason than the faith, the continuing search for reconciliation, peace and justice, to ensure this city’s personal and family integrity, because taking into account the procedures laid down by our Constitution, may this all lead to a fair trial".
According to information gathered by Fides, the Inter American Press Society (SIP) has called for a fair trial and the release of Garcia during the judicial trial. The President of the SIP, Milton Coleman, senior editor of The Washington Post, said: "It is regrettable that a journalist should go on a hunger strike to highlight the right to express an opinion on public officials, who perform a public function". Coleman added that the decision against the "Weekly Sixth Power" which had denounced the journalist’s human right violations during his hunger strike, entails the risk "to deprive the people, in democracy, to express their views on their representatives". (CE) (Agenzia Fides 17/11/2011)
