ASIA/INDONESIA - The Franciscans: human rights violations in Papua, NGOs hampered, the media gagged

Wednesday, 16 November 2011

Geneva (Agenzia Fides) –Indonesian Papua is experiencing "serious abuses of civil and political rights as well as economic, social and cultural", while the mass media are gagged to hide the truth: so says the new Report "Human Rights in Papua 2010/2011" launched in Geneva by three non-governmental organizations", Franciscans International "(FI) - NGO of the Franciscan Family -"Faith-Based Network on West Papua "(FBN) and "Asian Human Rights Commission" (AHRC).
The Report, sent to Agenzia Fides, intends to bring to the attention of the international community and UN the current military repression in progress in Indonesian Papua (or Irian Jaya province), where the Indonesian army- took action against the participants at the "Congress of the People of Papua", with over 300 arrests (see Fides 3 and 5/11/2011) - a search campaign of alleged "separatist leaders" continues, who indiscriminately affect civilians.
Describing "the sad reality of the abuses in Papua," the objective of the Report is to raise awareness on the human rights situation in Papua and help create a "land of peace". In particular, the document emphasizes the difficulties encountered by civil society and activists who defend human rights in Papua, victims of intimidation, harassment and arbitrary detention on charges of "Makar" ("Betrayal"), while, the text notes, "they exercise their right to freedom of expression in their struggle for justice and responsibility".
The Report also denounces the policy of the Indonesian government "aimed at discrediting, limiting and endangering the work of international human rights organizations operating in Papua", including the fact that " access is denied to international media through the manipulation of bureaucracy". As a result of such attitudes, some organizations have been forced to withdraw from the country, such as the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) and the "Peace Brigades International" (PBI).
While the Indonesian government declares that "the protection of human rights is a national priority", the NGO "Franciscans International," responds in a note sent to Fides, that " political statements are not sufficient to face the violations of human rights in Papua, because the reality is a climate of terror that prevails among the local population".
The NGOs urged the Indonesian government to immediately release all political prisoners, to put an immediate end to intimidation, harassment and physical violence against human rights defenders, journalists and religious leaders in Papua, to start a genuine dialogue with national and international civil society for the pacification of the province. (PA) (Agenzia Fides 16/11/2011)
