AMERICA/BRAZIL - From Brazil's National Missionary Congress to the Latin American Missionary Congress

Wednesday, 16 November 2011

Brasilia (Agenzia Fides) - The annual meeting of the National Missionary Council (COMINA) of Brazil, which was held this past weekend, from 11 to 13 November, at the headquarters of the Pontifical Mission Societies (PMS) in Brasilia, focused its attention on the preparation of the Third National Missionary Congress (CMN) for 12-15 July 2012. However, the National Director of the PMS, Father Camilo Pauletti, also spoke of the preparation of another mission event: the fourth American Missionary Congress (CAM 4) and IX Latin American Missionary Congress (COMLA 9), whose date has been rescheduled for the days 26 November to 1 December 2013 in Maracaibo, Venezuela. The Third CMN, to be held in Palmas (TO), will serve as a preparation for the Church of Brazil to the CAM 4 - COMLA 9.
The PMS Director presented the program of the Third National Missionary Congress, proposed by the COMINA team's executive. The overall objective is to "assume the universality of the mission, led by the Spirit, in the service of the kingdom, in the light of II Vatican and the Latin American journey toward CAM 4 - COMLA 9".
In discussing the theme of the Third CMN some modifications have been proposed to be in tune with the same issue of the American Missionary Congress of Venezuela. At the end of the speeches, the following theme was chosen: "The missionary discipleship in Brazil for a secular and multicultural world, in the light of II Vatican".
The Third CMN aims to bring together about 600 people representing regional organizations and Brazilian missionaries. The President of Comina and the Commission for the missionary activity of the Brazilian Episcopal Conference (CNBB), His Exc. Mgr. Sergio Braschi, said that participants should be people engaged in missionary activities in the region and in the diocese. Each region will have a quota of seats allocated according to certain criteria set by the organizers. (CE) (Agenzia Fides 16/11/2011)
