AMERICA/COLOMBIA - Afropaz Project: to change the situation of 4 million Afro-descendants excluded from society

Tuesday, 15 November 2011

Bogota (Agenzia Fides ) - The Afropaz project has started a new phase in Colombia, an initiative coordinated by the National Secretariat of Social Pastoral/Caritas and the National Association of Mayors of the Municipalities of Afro-descendants in Colombia (AMUNAFRO), which aims to develop leaders of African descent. The Afro-descendant community in fact has no visible political representation in government bodies and social issues, so many of their demands are not heard nor welcomed. The project this year is spread in 16 municipalities in the country: Providencia (San Andres), Luruaco (Atlántico), San Onofre (Sucre), Girardot and Turbo (Antioquia), María la Baja and Mahates (Bolivar), Villa Rica, Guapi and Puerto Tejada (Cauca), La Tola and Francisco Pizarro (Nariño), Quibdo and Condoto (Choco), Buenaventura (Valle), Marmato (Caldas).
According to the note sent to Agenzia Fides on behalf of the Episcopal Conference of Colombia, 4 million people of African descent are registered in the Latin American country. Many communities live in poverty, and children do not have the opportunity to attend schools, they are without hospitals assistance, and even without road access. Many times they are also victims of armed conflict, drug trafficking, corruption in public administration and politics. This is one of the realities that Afropaz project seeks to change. As stated by the head of the Commission for Social Promotion and Development of the National Secretariat of Social Pastoral/Caritas, Liliana Zamudio, in the years before the project she was able to give life to social organizations, ethnic authorities and municipal councils. (CE) (Agenzia Fides 15/11/2011)
