ASIA/INDIA - Christians Doctors thrown out by Hindu extremists; the faithful in prayer on the "Day for the persecuted"

Saturday, 12 November 2011

Bangalore (Agenzia Fides) - The Indian Christians of all denominations, in all states of India, will pray today and tomorrow in the Sunday liturgies, for all the faithful persecuted in India and around the world, on the "International Day of prayer for persecuted Christians ", which is celebrated around the world today, November 12. As the "Global Council of Indian Christians" (GCIC) report to Fides, "everyone is called and committed to raising their hands to heaven for those who are persecuted for their faith in Christ".
The GCIC recalls that since 2006 there have been 1,556 serious attacks against Christians in several Indian states. In 2008, over 100 Christian leaders were martyred for their faith. In Orissa, two Pastors have been killed this year, while the anti-Christian attacks continue in southern India, as in Karnataka, carried out by Hindu extremists. The Protestant Christian organization "Mission India" tells Fides one of the last episodes which occurred in Karnataka: some Christian doctors had started a medical mission, through a moving clinic, providing free medical care to all the needy who came. A group of over 150 radical Hindus blocked them, forcing them with violence to leave the village, under death threats, accusing them of carrying out "conversions to Christianity".
Often, recalls the GCIC to Fides; "the villagers, under the influence of radical Hindu groups threaten to drive Christians out because of their faith. And development programs for the Christians of southern India have problems because of the 'interference of Hindu extremists".
We need to "pray for the physical healing of the people affected, for the protection of Churches in India, for the universal Church, for the families of the persecuted, and for everyone to have the courage to continue the ministry of proclaiming Jesus Christ", notes the GCIC , also inviting to "pray for the persecutors and the perpetrators of crimes against Christians, because they do not know what they are doing".
Among the organizations that have promoted the "Day of prayer for persecuted Christians" at an international level there are "Christian Freedom International", "Christian Solidarity Worldwide", "Gospel for Asia", "International Christian Concern", "Jubilee Campaign" , "Open Doors", "The Voice of the Martyrs", "World Evangelical Alliance". (PA) (Agenzia Fides 12/11/2011)
