ASIA/INDONESIA - The Bishops call for end to violence in Papua, which affects women and children

Friday, 11 November 2011

Jakarta (Agenzia Fides) - Stop to violence, which affects mostly women and children; it is necessary to immediately start dialogues regarding reconciliation; to pray ceaselessly: this is what the Indonesian Bishops ask, gathered for the autumn assembly in Jakarta, focusing on the attention to the serious situation in Indonesian Papua (or Irian Jaya province), where there is ongoing violence committed against the population on behalf of the regular army, accused of fomenting independence. As referred by sources of Fides in the Episcopal Conference, the Bishop of Jayapura (capital of Papau), Mgr. Leo Laba Ladji, stressed "the urgency of dialogue and the abandonment of the military force to resolve internal issues and bring peace to Papua ".
All Christian Churches have mobilized for Papua these days: the "Communion of Churches in Indonesia" has publicly called on the government to stop the violence, and the Baptist Church has stressed the need to "pray to God for peace and for reconciliation".
In a public conference, the Secretariat for women’s emancipation, the Catholic Episcopal Conference, together with other associations such as the "National Commission for Women" in the Women’s Department in the Communion of the Churches in Indonesia, has denounced that especially women and children suffer violence in Papua. Sexual violence, abuses, violations of human dignity and human rights of women have been registered, mainly caused "by the purely military approach fielded by the government" and a culture that subordinates the value of women. The organizations urge the government to protect the condition and the lives of women and all citizens of Papua. (PA) (Agenzia Fides 11/11/2011)
