ASIA/PAKISTAN - Objective "reconciliation" between religious minorities and Muslim groups in Sindh

Friday, 11 November 2011

Hyderabad (Agenzia Fides) – Reconciliation between religious minorities is being attempted, especially on behalf of the Hindu community and Muslim groups after the killing of four Hindus (a doctor and three members of the paramedical staff) in a hospital in Chak, in the north of Sindh (see Fides 08/11/2011). The murder was probably carried out by some members of a local Muslim Brotherhood (the police have arrested 13 suspects), due to the dispute concerning a Hindu girl kidnapped and converted to Islam. Hindu and Christian religious minorities have launched a public demonstration and a hunger strike to demand more protection to the government, accused of inaction.
The "All Pakistan Minorities Alliance" (APMA), the largest association that defends Pakistani minorities, founded by the Catholic Shahbaz Bhatti, a former federal minister assassinated, intervened by organizing some meetings of mediation, including members of the Hindu community, Muslim leaders some Christians, members of the civil authorities, with the goal of reconciliation. Paul Bhatti, current President of APMA, brother of the murdered Minister and Special Adviser to the Prime Minister for minority religious affairs, told Fides: "At this stage we need to work for reconciliation, softening the social and religious tensions. What has happened is unfortunate and is a defeat for the state. The President of Pakistan Ali Zardari has ensured greater protection". Bhatti identifies the root of the problem in the educational curriculum: "As APMA, our goal is to help form a new educational curriculum in Pakistan, to eradicate the mentality of hatred and intolerance towards religious minorities, which is already taught at elementary schools". (PA) (Agenzia Fides 11/11/2011)
