ASIA/CHINA - 24 hours of Eucharistic adoration for the elderly and young people who take turns in the Cathedral of Ji Nan for

Friday, 11 November 2011

Ji Nan (Agenzia Fides) - According to reports sent to Fides by Faith of He Bei, the Cathedral of the diocese of Ji Nan, in the Shan Dong province, is promoting with great commitment the Eucharistic adoration. On 28 March, the Cathedral launched the adoration for 12 hours a day, and has intensified since August 15 reaching 24 hours, due to the large participation of parishioners, especially young workers, who take turns in groups before the Blessed Sacrament.
During the sharing and review of these seven months of intense spiritual path concentrated on the Eucharist, both the priests and the faithful said they were satisfied by the initiative. An elder said: "I always come in the afternoon, at three, because Jesus died for us at that time, and the worship makes me feel his closeness". Young people who work are very happy because in this way "we are allowed to have a spiritual space every day, either before going to work or after work, according to the possibilities. It is an important spiritual boost so as to face spiritual life with faith". Furthermore, the faithful also exchanged their personal experiences they had during worship, such as the prayer of the Rosary, the reading of the Sacred Scripture and meditation ....
The Cathedral of the diocese of Ji Nan dedicated to the Sacred Heart of Jesus has a glorious history of over a century: it was built in 1901 by a Franciscan Austrian missionary and consecrated to the Sacred Heart of Jesus in 1905. Throughout the history of Catholicism in China, almost all the missionaries who went to Beijing had to obligatory pass by the diocese of Ji Nan, given its geographical position. So it is a long-standing Catholic area, where the mission has always been very much alive. Today the Cathedral is also a national monument, much frequented by tourists and young couples who go there to take pictures after the wedding. For members of the parish these are all good opportunities to launch the mission of evangelization. (NZ) (Agenzia Fides 11/11/2011)
