VATICAN - Benedict XVI close to all those who have been affected by natural disasters

Thursday, 10 November 2011

Vatican City (Agenzia Fides) - "At this time, various parts of the world, from Latin America - and especially Central America - to Southeast Asia, have been hit by floods and landslides which have caused many deaths and left many missing and homeless": with these words the Holy Father Benedict XVI recalled, at the end of the general audience on Wednesday, November 9, the recent natural disasters, calling for solidarity towards those who have suffered the serious consequences of this weather phenomena. "Once again again - said the Pope - I wish to express my closeness to all those who suffer these natural disasters, at the same time calling on people to pray for the victims and their families, and to show solidarity, that institutions and men and women of good will may collaborate generously to help the thousands of people affected by such their families and solidarity, so that the institutions and people of good will calamities". (SL) (Agenzia Fides 10/11/2011)
