ASIA/PAKISTAN - Two women in the front line to defend the rights of minorities

Monday, 7 November 2011

Islamabad (Agenzia Fides) - A year after Asia Bibi’s death sentence – a Christian woman unjustly condemned for blasphemy on November 8, 2010 - Today two women in Pakistan have taken the leadership in defending the rights of religious minorities and the promotion of inter-religious harmony, one is a Christian, Christine Amjad-Ali, the other is a Muslim, Shehrbano Taseer, but both share the same mission.
Christine Amjad-Ali, a theologian, is the newly appointed Director of the "Christian Study Centre", a well-known Ecumenical Study Centre in Rawalpindi, which had prematurely lost the previous Director, Francis Mehboob Sada. She is working with another Christian, Romana Bashir, who is conducting various activities and programs, meeting with Muslim, tribal and civil society leaders, to develop a culture of dialogue and harmony for the common good.
Shehrbano Taseer is equally visible, the daughter of the governor of Punjab, Salman Taseer, who was killed for defending the Christian Asia Bibi and for criticizing the blasphemy law. The woman took her father’s inheritance and she is distinguishing herself for a campaign to promote tolerance in Pakistan. Despite death threats, Taseer speaks publicly against the discriminatory laws that target religious minorities and has openly criticized those who glorify her father’s murderer. Taseer is a journalist and works for the Pakistani "Newsweek" and despite the risks to her safety and the safety of her family, she strives to promote freedom, dignity, justice and fairness.
The tradition of strong commitment to women's human rights in Pakistan is also evidenced by Sherry Rehman, a Muslim MP of the Pakistan People's Party and president of the "Jinnah Institute" in Karachi, think tank that promotes the legality and the rule of law. The Centre has published in past months a detailed report entitled "A Question of Faith", which speaks of "Christians and persecuted minority under siege" (see Fides 06/06/2011) and a note stating that Asia Bibi was sentenced to death by a court "influenced by Islamic extremists" and "without a lawyer" (see Fides 15/09/2011). (PA) (Agenzia Fides 07/11/2011)
