ASIA/PHILIPPINES - Appeals to the international community: "For Fr. Tentorio’s case, more pressure on the government"

Monday, 7 November 2011

Cotabato (Agenzia Fides) – To have justice and truth with regards to the murder of Father Fausto Tentorio, PIME, killed in Arakan (on the island of Mindanao, Southern Philippines) on October 17, "the international community must put more pressure on the government of Manila" this is what the Forum "Justice for father Pops" asks, which welcomes more than 50 among civil society organizations and religious congregations of Mindanao. In an interview with Fides, Sister Julita Encarnation, one of the coordinators of the Forum, explains that "civil society is in turmoil and does not intend to lower its guard. The Minister for Justice has provided new investigation of the facts, but the atmosphere that we live here does not seem conducive to the emergence of the truth. We do not want the case to be covered up and for the crime to go unpunished: so this is why the international community must put pressure on the government of Benigno Aquino".
The Forum refers to Fides that in Arakan, other 130 tribal families have been forced to leave their villages, given the strong militarization of the area, prepared by the government as a means of countering the insurgency movement of the communist rebels. The Forum will launch another major public event, with a Mass, a commemorative March and meetings in squares in various cities of Mindanao, in the three days from 26 to 29 November. "It will be a mission of solidarity – explains the nun to Fides - which intends to keep the interest concerning Fr. Pops case high, so he is not forgotten. "The movement has received messages of support from Canada, United States, Australia, New Zealand, South Korea, Hong Kong, Italy, the Vatican, and hopes that "these messages are translated into pressure on the Philippine government". (PA) (Agenzia Fides 07/11/2011)
