ASIA/PAKISTAN - Tuberculosis: 17 000 infected, the country is among the top 6 in the world for number of cases

Monday, 31 October 2011

Lahore (Agenzia Fides) - Health authorities in Pakistan are intensifying efforts to contain the spread of tuberculosis, which affects about 17 000 people in the country, placing it among the top 6 in the world with the highest rate of infections. According to the chief of the national program for the control of tuberculosis (NTCP), it is a preventable and treatable virus which needs to be treated for eight full months. Thanks to the program "Stop TB", 7 000 centers for the treatment of the disease have been set up. Furthermore, awareness among the population at all levels is being spread about the virus, despite the strong resistance that is registered mainly among students and in the field of education. The NTCP provides 90% of free treatment for poor patients and provides free medicines to private clinics and hospitals, to give the opportunity for everyone to enjoy free treatments. In 56 districts of the Punjab province over 5 000 health centers have been set up. However, there is still discrimination against infected people who are often marginalized. Tuberculosis in Punjab is responsible for 5.1% of the total diseases in Pakistan. (AP) (Agenzia Fides 31/10/2011)
