ASIA/PHILIPPINES - "Inquiry into the abuses of military and paramilitary", the forum asks "Justice for Fr Pops"

Saturday, 29 October 2011

Cotabato (Agenzia Fides) - While the Special Task Force, which is inquiring into the murder of Fr. Fausto Tentorio explains it is looking into "at least three angels, as possible motives for the investigation of the Italian missionary", according to the Forum "Justice for Fr. Pops" (was the missionary’s nickname) - which welcomes more than 50 religious congregations and organizations in Mindanao -"the hottest track is the responsibility of the military and paramilitary groups", says to Fides Sister. Julita Encarnation, of the Sisters of the Assumption of Mary, one of the coordinators of the Forum.
The investigation, says the Forum, must concentrate itself in this direction: in fact, "the communist guerrillas of the New People's Army (NPA), native tribes, civilians, missionaries and civilian leaders: are all victims of abuses committed daily by the soldiers and paramilitary militias organized by them", notes the religious. "Fr. Tentorio openly deplored the widespread militarization with related brutality and human rights violations", result of the" Oplan Bayanihan ", confirmed by the Government of Benigno Aquino, which provides for a massive military budget in Mindanao, to counter the communist insurgency. But, says Sister Julita, "the military does not make a difference, they consider them all as 'enemies of the state', they even accused Father Tentorio to be a member of the NPA. We are witnesses of civilians killed, missing or displaced. From May 2010, in Mindanao, there have been 54 victims of extrajudicial executions. Is this the peace and development that the government intends to bring in Mindanao? " asks the spokesperson of the Forum, demanding "an end to impunity".
The Forum notes, among other things, that the army has intensified its recruitment of the paramilitary group "Bagan" members among indigenous peoples, sowing divisions within tribal communities. "Bagan" is the group that had threatened Fr.Tentorio in the past. (PA) (Agenzia Fides 29/10/2011)
