AMERICA/ARGENTINA - "A political victory is not a blank check": the Church asks us not forget the poor

Thursday, 27 October 2011

Buenos Aires (Agenzia Fides) - Cristina Fernández, the President of Argentina, was re-elected on Sunday with 53% of the votes, a historical event. This is the largest popular support in a presidential election won by the return of democracy in Argentina. His Exc. Mgr. Jorge Eduardo Lozano, Bishop of Gualeguaychú and member of the Episcopal Commission of the Social Pastoral, in an article published by a newspaper in the capital, said that "legislators and governors receive an acknowledgment and a mandate. An acknowledgment of a path, ideals, career and proposals. And a mandate to guide. This is not a blank check. We know that in politics as in other fields, blank checks often do not have funds. Trust is built day by day. It is a very good thing that political vocation is exalted in the country. Archbishop Lozano asked not to forget the poor, because "they too want to celebrate labour and dignity", and because "all voices are necessary to have a harmonious chorus, even those that may seem out of tune. National Unity needs all the voices in the country in the Latin American concert. It is the people’s duty to accompany those people they chose and participate with their views and daily commitment". (CE) (Agenzia Fides 27/10/2011 )
