ASIA/CHINA - The Fourth Forum on Catholic Studies for Chinese scholars to be held in December

Thursday, 27 October 2011

Beijing (Agenzia Fides) - According to information provided by Sapientia Press House of the diocese of Beijing, the Fourth Forum on Catholic Studies for Young Chinese Scholars, 2011, organized by the "Beijing Institute for the Study of Christian Culture " will be held from 6 to 8 December in Beijing. The main themes chosen by this year’s organizer are: the study of modern Catholic theologians and their theological thought; the theory of Catholic theology, moral ethics, the study of the social doctrine of the Church; the study of the Sacred Scripture; the study of the relationship between the famous Chinese personalities of modern history with Catholicism; the study of evangelization through the media and publications of the Chinese Catholic Church; interfaith dialogue; Catholicism and art; studies on Matteo Ricci and inculturation.
Since 2008, the "Beijing Institute for the Study of Christian Culture" organizes the annual forum at the beginning of December, which sees an increasingly presence of leading academics and scholars of Christianity, even of international renown. During the discussion, participants offered a number of useful suggestions for the future mission of evangelization in today's Chinese society. All the texts presented at the Forum are subsequently published in the Journal of Catholic Studies, volume, published periodically by the Institute. (NZ) (Agenzia Fides 27/10/2011)
