ASIA/CHINA - A school for orphaned children due to AIDS, thanks to "Jinde Charities"

Wednesday, 26 October 2011

Shi Jia Zhuang (Agenzia Fides) -18 children who have lost their parents due to AIDS are back at school, thanks to the scholarship of the Office of the Prevention of AIDS "Jinde Charities", the largest charitable Catholic organization in mainland China. The organization, for the second consecutive year, awarded a sum of 22,700 yuan (about 2,600 euros) to 18 children orphaned due to AIDS (7 in a primary school and 11 in junior and professional school). According to the annual project, the office also offers a scholarship of 48,200 yuan for other 47 orphans, ranging from elementary school to university. Last year three of the orphans supported by Office were the best students of their respective schools.
According to the office manager, the funds were collected during the " Jinde Christmas Charitable Party" in 2010 which guaranteed the work of assistance to AIDS patients and their families. In past weeks, the volunteers also made the usual visit to the family of AIDS, especially thirty orphans of AIDS in the province of He Nan.
According to information from a recent summit between the "China National Committee for the Wellbeing of the Youth" and UNICEF, orphans due to AIDS in mainland China are over 260 thousand (data of 2010). (NZ) (Agenzia Fides 26/10/2011)
