ASIA/PHILIPPINES - "He died like Jesus on the cross, the missionary who showed mercy to the tribal people, abandoned by the government", says the Bishop during the funeral

Tuesday, 25 October 2011

Kidapawan (Agenzia Fides) - Father Fausto "did not like ceremonies" and "worked in relative obscurity". "He was a missionary who showed mercy, especially to the little children of God among his parishioners, the Lumad (tribal). He sought justice for them, when they were dispossessed of their land, when they were harassed by men with guns, while the government seems to abandon them": This is what His Exc. Mgr. Romulo de la Cruz, Bishop of Kidapawan said in the homily during the funeral Mass for Fr. Fausto Tentorio, PIME, celebrated this morning in Kidapawan (see other article of Fides, ndr.)
The Bishop, who sent the text of his speech to Fides, remarked that beyond labels such as " environmentalist priest " or "human rights defender", Fr. Fausto "should be remembered simply as a good and faithful priest, who loved his people, and tried to serve them in the best possible way, even at the risk of his own life". Mgr. De La Cruz recalled the words of his will that quotes the Prophet Micah, for what God asks man. "To practice justice, love mercy and walk humbly with your God". "This is what Father Fausto carried out", in such a humble way, said the Bishop, and" in spite of this, he earned enemies, just like Jesus".
He could have gone away 26 years ago, when his brother Fr. Tullio Favali was killed- he continued in his homily - "but he did not do it because he was in love with his people" and told the people "your dream is my dream, we are companions in building the Kingdom of God".
"We can say with certainty - said Mgr. De La Cruz - that Fausto’s death, is the fulfillment of what St. John says in the Gospel: No one has greater love than this, to lay down one’s life for one’s friends' (John 15:13) Fausto’s death is simply an imitation of Jesus' death on the cross".
The Bishop thanked Fr. Fausto for his mission, his family, the Pontifical Institute for Foreign Missions, recalling that "the local Church of the Diocese of Kidapawan will forever be marked by the blood of the two missionaries, Fr. Favali and Fr. Tentorium ". He concluded by assuring that "thanks to his prayers from heaven, we will carry on and continue his mission". (PA) (Agenzia Fides 25/10/2011)
