Guatemala City (Agenzia Fides) - Thousands of Catholics attended the peaceful march through the streets of the capital, on Saturday, October 22, to express their condemnation to the violence that causes about 17 deaths in the country every day. From four different points of the city many groups of protesters left to converge in the central square, Plaza de la Constitucion, in front of the Metropolitan Cathedral where the Archbishop of Guatemala City, Mgr. Oscar Julio Vian Morales, celebrated the Eucharist for peace.
It was the same Mgr. Vian Morales to hold the march (see Fides 17/10/2011) which brought together more than 20 thousand Catholics. In his message, the Archbishop said that all citizens of Guatemala, and not only the government must strive to reduce insecurity and malnutrition. "To ensure the rights of health and home, to have better job offers, are another way of fighting for peace", he reiterated. People who participated in the march carried signs with slogans against the violence plaguing the country. This peaceful demonstration was also attended by the Vice President of Guatemala, Rafael Espada, and the President of Congress, Roberto Alejos. (CE) (Agenzia Fides 24/10/2011)