EUROPE/POLAND - Mission Sunday: The Apostolic Nuncio visits the national headquarters of the PMS; "missionary workshops" restart in Czestochowa

Saturday, 22 October 2011

Warsaw (Agenzia Fides) - On the occasion of World Mission Sunday, His Exc. Mgr. Celestino Migliore, Apostolic Nuncio in Poland, visited the headquarters of the National Directorate of the Pontifical Mission Societies (PMS) in Warsaw, yesterday, October 21. According to information sent to Agenzia Fides from the National Director of the PMS, Fr. Tomasz Atlas, the Archbishop was able to directly see the work carried out by the PMS in Poland in the field of animation and missionary cooperation. During his visit he met with those working in the National Directorate and also read the latest liturgical publications and information. The National Director informed Mgr.Migliore about the initiatives related to the 150th anniversary of the birth of the Venerable Pauline Marie Jaricot (1799-1862), founder of the Society for the Propagation of the Faith, and the promotion of the Pontifical Society of St. Peter the Apostle in Poland. The Apostolic Nuncio then addressed the participants with words of encouragement, to continue their missionary service in the best way, and after reciting the Angelus, he gave his blessing to all.
On the eve of World Mission day, the new edition of "missionary workshops" will begin today in Czestochowa and the Diocesan Course for missionary animators. The "workshops" will be held at the Metropolitan Curia in Czestochowa, says don Jacek Gancarek to Fides, Diocesan Director of the Pontifical Mission Societies of the Archdiocese. Priests, religious, catechists, missionary animators and leaders responsible for all of the Pontifical Mission Societies in the parishes are invited to the "missionary workshops". During the "workshops" - which this year will have the theme "As the Father has sent me, so I send you" (Jn 20:21) - "The globalized world requires a new evangelization", some missionaries will present their work, the missionary problems and current challenges of the Church. (SL) (Agenzia Fides 22/10/2011)
