AMERICA/CHILE - First Missionary Congress of Higher Education: "Apostles of a new evangelization"

Friday, 21 October 2011

Santiago (Agenzia Fides ) - Today, Friday October 21, from 9 am to 6pm at the headquarters of the Pontifical University of Chile, the first Missionary Congress of Higher Education will be held. The Congress is organized by the Pontificia Universidad Catolica de Chile, in collaboration with the Pontifical Mission Societies, with the aim of involving all institutions of higher education and redirecting it to a new evangelization, a diagnosis of the real missionary situation and to present a coordinated work among existing university groups. The slogan of the Congress is "the apostles of a new evangelization."
The first call to the New Evangelization was by Pope John Paul II and with this Congress the Catholic University wants to provide an initial response to this invitation, which was re-launched by the Holy Father Benedict XVI, to see how Higher Education manages to take its first steps towards the new evangelization.
The idea of the conference is to face the current missionary reality in Chile, and seek common ground between the various higher education projects, with the ability to draw a few lines of joint work for the development of missionary projects. (CE) (Agenzia Fides 21/10/2011)
