VATICAN - On Mission Sunday the canonization of Msgr. Conforti: Bishop of Parma ardent zeal for the salvation of all men

Thursday, 20 October 2011

Vatican City (Agenzia Fides) - "The Missionary is the most beautiful and sublime personification of the ideal life. He has contemplated in the spirit Jesus Christ who shows the Apostles the world they must conquer for the Gospel, not with the power of weapons, but through persuasion, and love and was enamored by it. Armed solely with the cross of Christ, ever ready to shed his own blood, if this is necessary for the good of his people with the ardent desire of sealing his apostolate and martydom". Reflections are drawn from the writings of Msgr. Guido Maria Conforti (1865-1931), founder of the Xaverian Missionaries, who next Sunday, October 23, on World Mission Sunday, will be proclaimed a Saint by Pope Benedict XVI in St. Peter's.
Guido Maria Conforti was born in Ravadese (Parma - Italy) March 30, 1865. He was baptized on the same day. When he was 11 he joined the seminary. An illness delays his ordination. Meanwhile he was appointed Vice Rector of the Seminary. Having regained health, he was ordained to priesthood in 1888. The young priest was appointed "Director of the Pious Society for the Propagation of the Faith". Not yet thirty years old he was appointed Vicar General.
Not having been able to follow, for health reasons, the missionary vocation to which he felt called, in 1895 he founded the Xaverian Institute for the Foreign Missions (Xaverian Missionaries) with the sole and exclusive purpose of the evangelization of non-Christians. In 1899 he sent the first two missionaries to China, followed by many others over the years.
In 1902, only 37 years old, Pope Leo XIII appointed him as Archdiocese of Ravenna. For two years he spent all his energy for the good of the diocese, but had to resign later on health grounds. Pope St. Pius X accepts his resignation and he returns to his Institute where he devoted himself to forming his missionary students.
After regaining his health, Pope Pius X appointed him to the Diocese of Parma. For over 24 years he is the good shepherd, promotes religious education, establishes schools of Christian doctrine in all the parishes, prepares catechists and he is the first in Italy to celebrate a catechetical week. Facing hardships and inconveniences, he carries out the pastoral visit four times by going to the most distant villages; a fifth pastoral visit is interrupted by his death. He celebrates two diocesan synods, establishes and promotes Catholic associations, the missions to the people, Eucharistic, Mariani and missionary Congresses, Catholic Action Congresses. He pays attention, in a unique way, to the formation of the Clergy no less than that of the laity.
He also strives to proclaim the Gospel to non-Christians, both through the care of the missionary Family which he founded and of which he is the Superior General, and supporting every initiative of missionary animation in Italy. In 1916 he helped to found the Missionary Union of the Clergy, and is the first president for ten years. In 1928 he went to China on a visit to the territories and the Christian communities entrusted to his missionary family.
On November 5, 1931 he peacefully dies. His funeral was attended by extraordinary people. He was beatified in St. Peter's by Pope John Paul II on March 17, 1996. His Holiness Benedict XVI in the public consistory on February 21, 2011 decided to include him in the group of Saints. His motto "In Omnibus Christus" and "Caritas Christi Urget nos" summarize his action and his spirituality. (S.L.) (Agenzia Fides 20/10/2011)
