ASIA/PHILIPPINES - The Bishop at the head of the Commission for the Indigenous: "A well-organized plan to eliminate the missionary"

Wednesday, 19 October 2011

Kidapawan (Agenzia Fides) - "The presence and responsibility of high-profile killers makes us think of a well organized plan to kill father Fausto Tentorio. There are many open questions. The missionary was working for the indigenous rights and for environmental protection. We must continue the investigations in this direction, to understand who he was bothering": this is what His Exc. Mgr. Jose Cabantan, Bishop of Malaybalay and President of the Episcopal Commission for Indigenous Peoples in Mindanao tells Fides.
Mgr. Cabantan informs Fides that, recently, Fr. Fausto had expressed his disapproval towards the project to build a large dam, for the hydroelectric power station "Pulangui V", the largest in Mindanao, with an output of 300 megawatts, for the provinces of Bukidnon and Cotabato. According to leaders of civil society and indigenous peoples, the dam will flood cemeteries, holy places, and agricultural and hunting lands belonging to Manobo and Maguindanaon tribes (for whom Fr. Tentorio was working), erasing forever the identity, culture and style of life of 1 million indigenous divided into 27 communities.
The Bishop said to Fides: "We demand justice. Justice means 'no' to impunity: we want the perpetrators of the crime to be caught and brought before the court. This means that the masterminds of the murder have to be found: the powers that wanted to eliminate a missionary who, without fear, defended the dignity of marginalized peoples and the integrity of creation".
"We are deeply shocked and saddened by the tragic event. We worked closely with Fr. Tentorio and only a month ago we had the last meeting of our Pastoral Commission for the natives. He was close to the indigenous communities and dedicated his life to their development. He gave them hope. The Indigenous will not lose it: the work will continue in his memory, as well as the Commission will continue the education and development programs initiated by him". (PA) (Agenzia Fides 19/10/2011)
