AMERICA/COLOMBIA- A member of the Social Pastoral, committed to the farmers and builders of peace in Popayan was assassinated

Wednesday, 19 October 2011

Popayan (Agenzia Fides) - The National Secretariat of the Social Pastoral of the Bishops' Conference of Colombia issued a statement of solidarity with Luis Eduardo Garcia’s family, leader of the group of Popayan, assassinated on the evening of Sunday, October 16. "For the National Secretariat of the Social Pastoral it is a moment of reflection on the value of so many people consecrated to the service of their suffering brethren", the statement said, which continues: "We join the people of El Tambo, that has lost a sensitive man and a born leader. The Lord who mourned the death of his friend Lazarus is the one who guides our steps at the moment. The Lord receives the testimony of Luis Eduardo as an offering of love and gives him a place among those who love him". The document is signed by Monsignor Hector Fabio Henao, Director of the National Secretariat of Social Pastoral of the Colombian Bishops' Conference.
There are several groups who join the National Secretariat of Social Pastoral to repel force with the murder of Luis Eduardo Garcia, which took place on Sunday evening, October 16, while he was going from Popayan to El Tambo (Cauca), when he was intercepted by a guerrilla group, kidnapped and killed.
From the note sent by the Episcopal Conference of Colombia to Fides we learn that Luis Eduardo Garcia worked in the project of "Social and cultural reactivation", sponsored by the National Secretariat of Social Pastoral, which assists people affected by the wave of cold weather that invested the country at the end of 2010 and early this year. He was also employed as a professional in the municipality of his hometown, El Tambo, for this project, where he was known for his dedication and commitment to the farmers, to his community and the victims of this natural disaster area.
Luis Eduardo Garcia had studied at the University of Cauca and had extensive experience in social development projects and attention to the most vulnerable population. His commitment to the defense of human rights and international humanitarian law, contributed to the creation of conditions for building peace in this region of Cauca. (CE) (Agenzia Fides 19/10/2011)
